Sunday, January 13, 2008

The human eye

the human eye
a poem by : Jan C

The human eye can see as far as the imagination stretches
endless sights
Beautiful colors glinting off the glass we call our eye
It's shiny
Almost alluring
Bringing me in
Sucking me up in the world's wonderful sights

Great and small
Each has a special story and meaning
Each sight is it's own wonderful story
Like the little bird who sings on my window
Like the lynx as they make footprints in the snow
Making a mark on each unique thing
Everyone deserves eye sight
Only a few can truly see
What our world is
And what it's become
What it's going to be
It's small and fragile
Threatening to come crashing down
But our humanity has saved it
Our eyesight has witnessed some extravagant things in it's life time
Ready to see many more
I look out of my window
Ready to look around
Ready to look up and down
Ready to analyze the world

~Jan C.